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Cory Loveless
12 Supporters
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Personal Message

I choose to give to Theta Chi because I believe that it positively affects change in the lives of others. I understand there are many ways you can choose to spend your time, talent, and treasure, but know that when you give to Theta Chi you are opening a door for young men to experience life and accomplish their goals. Some of this money will be used to help pursue academic goals, and other amounts will be used to fund leadership training and opportunities. Your gift will equip students with the needed resources to be successful in a complicated world. Please join me in giving this Tuesday to a fraternity that will develop Resolute Men.

How Donations Are Applied

Scholarships During the academic year 2022-2023, we awarded over $270,000 in scholarship to over 175 collegians.

In the words of Carter Gehlken, a 2022-2023 Sherwood & Janet Roberts Blue Scholarship Recipient “I applied for a Theta Chi scholarship in order to help fund my dental education. As a recent graduate and alumnus of Beta Phi Chapter, I have always admired the emphasis to help educate brothers. This scholarship will greatly help to alleviate some costs of the dental program while also allowing me to take less student loans. I want to thank the donors who made this scholarship possible.”

Leadership and Personal Development Each year we send over 500 collegians to leadership and personal development training. Officers attend sessions on Recruitment, Health & Safety, Marshalls, Treasurers, etc. They collaborate and network to share best practices and form mentorships.

Why We Need Your Help

Game Has Changed

Collegians are now tasked with managing large budgets and millions in real estate, negotiating with vendors, oversee risk management, fundraising, etc. It requires them to serve as liaisons to parents, university staff, Greek councils and Theta Chi International. They are under more competition and pressure then years past. They need support, expertise, and resources that local alumni corporations are often not equipped to manage.

Pay it forward

Not all Chapters have a strong alumni support, legacy or infrastructure. Many are at a critical point in their journey. We provide support, best practice, and mentorship to ensure we sustain and grow. Since January 2020, we have installed-reinstalled 9 chapters!

Why are donations necessary?

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people to transform their organizations and world around them.

There is no better ROI then to invest in the academic and professional-personal development of our collegiate brothers to be the leaders and agents of change of tomorrow.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $100.0

  • - $200.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $20.0

  • - $15.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $500.0

  • - $500.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $20.0

Theta Chi Year Round Giving Logo

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact:

Jill Zager
Foundation Chapter Office
Theta Chi IHQ
317-848-1856 ext. 2013

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